Image field

The image field is used to store an image. In the Admin UI it renders an image picker component:

AvatarThe avatar for this user

Images will be stored on your local file system or GitHub repository.

For a cloud-based alternative, see the Cloud image field designed for Keystatic Cloud.

Image storage options

The default behaviour of the image field is to create a directory matching the entry slug, and place an image named after the image field inside.

Take the following configuration:

authors: collection({
  schema: {
    // ...
    avatar: fields.image({ label: 'Avatar' })

Creating a john-doe author and uploading a jpg image for the avatar will generate the following:

├── john-doe
    └── avatar.jpg
└── john-doe.yaml

The value stored in the john-doe.yaml file for the avatar will be:

avatar: avatar.jpg

This is workable, but quite often you'll want to configure:

  • where the image is stored
  • how the reference path to the image is constructed


You can specify a directory from your project tree.

Say you want to output images in the public directory:

avatar: fields.image({
  label: 'Avatar',
+  directory: 'public/images/avatars',

Uploading a jpg image on the john-doe entry would now output the following:

└── john-doe.yaml
└── images
    └── avatars
        └── john-doe
            └── avatar.jpg

The value stored in the john-doe file will still be:

avatar: avatar.jpg chances are you'll also want to configure the publicPath option.

Public path

The publicPath option lets you control how the path to the image (as you'd use in the front end) is constructed:

avatar: fields.image({
  label: 'Avatar',
  directory: 'public/images/avatars',
+  publicPath: '/images/avatars/'

The entry slug and image field name will be composed with this publicPath.

Here's how the avatar field would now be stored with our john-doe example:

avatar: /images/avatars/john-doe/avatar.jpg

Screencast walk-through

This segment of the Keystatic Mini-Course on YouTube may help understand how the image field works:

Type signature

Find the latest version of this field's type signature at: